영어/TOEIC Speaking

[Part4] 주요 표현들

Jay22 2017. 1. 2. 21:34

이력서 파트


2010 - present 에 현재 그의 직장이 있다


Since 2010, he has been at (Company Name)


학위에 대한 설명


He has two degrees. He received his bachelor's degree of ~~ . He earned his master's degree of ~~.

These are the information that you're looking for.


그 업무에 대해 적절한지


Yes, it seems that she is qualified for this job in terms of computer skills.


cf) Inc => Incorporated





예약표/주문서 파트


아니요, 잘못 알고 계십니다

No, you're mistaken


우리 회사는 10시부터 8시까지 영업합니다.

Our business hours are from 10 am to 8 pm


There are three items you ordered from our store. First you ordered 10 boxes of black pens at $5 each.


which cost $10 a day (per day)


Your order will be delivered on November 11 sometime between 3 and 5 in the afternoon


